Just about everyone is looking for ways to save money on their monthly bills – and you might think that turning off your pond’s pump every night is one way to stretch some of your hard-earned cash. Think again! Though most pumps do cost a nominal amount of money to run 24/7, if you shut yours down each night, you could be affecting your pond’s water quality and your fishes’ health, and that could cost you even more in the long run.
Bottled water is sold to us as a fresh, healthy, and pure product. Yet in reality, when you buy a bottle of water you're may just be buying back your local tap water at a mark-up of up to 1000 times the actual cost. Not only is bottled water no better for you than plain old tap water, but the environmental cost of the packaging used to beautify it is a serious issue.
After dozens of new and gut-rehab LEED projects, the Grand Rapids, Michigan Habitat for Humanity affiliate is ready to begin a new era... that happens to be a really old era too.
In March, 2012, Population Media Center became a member of Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage. Current and past PMC serial dramas have addressed early marriage, and our organizational emphasis on elevating the status of women around the world make this partnership a good fit moving forward. Girls Not Brides is [...]
Here we go – another year, another set of citations, and another journal ranking by ISI Web of Knowledge Journal Citation Reports. Love them or loathe them, Impact Factors (IF) are immensely important for dictating publication trends. No, a high Impact Factor doesn’t mean your paper will receive hundreds of citations, but the two are correlated. [...]
A round-up of the top climate and energy news. Britain is burning more now than at any time since 2006, despite official promises to move to greener fuels. [The Sun] Imports are up 20 per cent to 18 million tons this year — with coal responsible for generating 42 per cent of all UK electricity, [...]
Thanks to the Population Institute for writing up a summary analysis of a recent study released by The Guttmacher Institute and UNFPA. Please note the call to action at the end, which urges and empowers you to write your senators and representatives on the issue at hand. You can access this call to action here: [...]
If getting together with other crafty folks in order to share thoughts, ideas, tools and materials sounds like your cup of tea, here are six of the best DIY and upcycling meetups around the world.
Below is a Letter to the Editor, printed in an Oklahoma newspaper. Near its conclusions, it suggests an interesting idea: organizing to force local Chambers of Commerce from around the country to renounce population growth as an appropriate objective . Given given sufficient local leadership and activism, it is plausible such efforts could catch on. [...]
Below is an opinion piece from a writer in Colorado. Exponential population growth possibly a problem See: http://www.coloradoan.com/article/20120623/COLUMNISTS14/306240020/Exponential-population-growth-possibly-problem?odyssey=mod|newswell|text|FRONTPAGE|s&nclick_check=1 By Glen Colton The Coloradoan Colorado, once known for uncrowded open spaces, scenic vistas, clean air and a high quality of life, is suffering from the negative impacts of our addiction to exponential population and economic growth. [...]
The following information is in regards to the upcoming London Summit on Family Planning, which will take place on July 11th, 2012. The U.K. Government, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNFPA and other partners will host this groundbreaking summit that will mobilize global policy, financing, commodity, and service delivery commitments to support the rights [...]
What makes an ecologist ‘successful’? How do you measure ‘success’? We’d all like to believe that success is measured by our results’ transformation of ecological theory and practice – in a conservation sense, this would ultimately mean our work’s ability to prevent (or at least, slow down) extinctions. Alas, we’re not that good at quantifying [...]
Fruits are not only tasty and healthy when eaten, but they can be great applied to your skin, too! Once you get passed the slightly strange idea of lathering food on your body, you’ll be on your way to beautiful, healthy skin.
Below are snippets of two articles reporting on current and expected demises of species we are ostensibly sharing the planet with — though “sharing” seems an exceptionally poor description of what is actually occurring. First, reports of significant, already occurred drops in penguin populations (with much more expected). Second, the troubles occurring In Kenya between [...]
Thanks to Jenny Goldie for sending me the article below. It is interesting, and I think good, to see Michael Brune (executive director, Sierra Club) join Suzanne Ehlers (CEO, Population Action Intrenational) as co-author of this piece, originally published in Grist. See: http://grist.org/population/why-womens-needs-must-be-part-of-the-conversation-at-rio/ Why women’s needs must be part of the conversation at Rio By Suzanne Ehlers [...]
The following article is provocative for several reasons, not least of which is the string of comments appearing below it. It was published on The Guardian’s website. See: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/sarah-boseley-global-health/2012/jun/20/maternal-health-contraception-and-family-planning Note: to access the Guttmacher report referenced, please proceed here (PDF): http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/AIU-2012-estimates.pdf Counting the cost of family planning As the London family planning summit looms closer, [...]
A New York Times blogger raises interesting questions this week about the effect on us all of the growing socioeconomic divide between parents. That is, more and more educated, well off woman will just be becoming mothers as their less well off, less educated peers are becoming grandmothers. Read more...
Sure, your bass, trout and other game fish nibble on nature’s all-natural bounty of algae, weeds, insects and worms. However, they also need supplemental nourishment, particularly if you’re growing them for sport. That’s where commercial fish food, like The Pond Guy® Game Fish Grower Fish Food, comes into play.
The following essay, by one Mr. Bill King, was printed recently in the Houston Chronicle. There are plenty of otherwise true facts in the essay, along with a few errors, but the conclusions drawn by Mr. King indicate he has little understanding of the monumental effort that has gone into global fertility reduction — nor [...]
Denver-based Waste Farmers, a venture by Inspired Economist founder John-Paul Maxfield, has been recognized as an "Impact company" by The [i4c] Campaign, and featured in a new video series by the organization.
This time of year brings an abundance of fruits and vegetables to farmer’s markets and grocery stores - the perfect time to stretch that food budget even further through home preservation.
The following article reports on the success Brazil has had in achieving below replacement level fertility. See: http://www.trust.org/alertnet/news/brazil-a-model-for-slowing-population-growth-experts Brazil a model for slowing population growth – experts By Laurie Goering RIO DE JANEIRO (AlertNet) – Rosimere Lopes knows what she does not want in life. The 23-year-old, who lives in Cachoeirinha, a hillside slum in [...]
Before you make an investment in green windows, educate yourself about some of the differences between energy-efficient windows and non energy-efficient windows.
It’s sometimes difficult to take a long, hard look in the mirror and admit one’s failings. Today’s post is a thought-provoking challenge to all ecologists (indeed, all scientists) who gaily flit all over the known universe in the name of science. I’m certainly in one of the upper guilt echelons on this issue – and [...]
“Media mogul and population control advocate Ted Turner recently told citizen journalists he would like to reduce the world’s population by five billion people, asking parents to be a ‘one child family… for 100 years.’" Read more...
Another great post by Salvador Herrando-Pérez that challenges our views on invasive species (some would do well to heed his words when it comes to species like dingos). I mentioned in his last post that he had just recently submitted his PhD thesis, and now I’m proud to say that it has been examined with no [...]
More and more women desperate to have babies in New Zealand are going overseas to find egg donors because they cannot get them in New Zealand. It seems that the main reason overseas ‘egg markets’ are more lucrative is because women are allowed to be paid for their eggs. Read more...
I’ve had the good fortune of being involved now in a several endeavours funded by the Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (ACEAS); two of those were workshops targeting specific questions regarding estimating modern extinction rates and examining the effects of genetic bottlenecks on Australian biota. The third was a bit different, to say [...]
Got plants? If you’re like most pond hobbyists, you probably have plenty of growing and blooming greenery surrounding your water garden – but what about sub-surface varieties?
Cattails, when left unchecked, can proliferate and take over a pond or lake in no time. These common aquatic plants grow from 3 to 10 feet tall in dense colonies around the margins of ponds and lakes. In the spring, the green strap-like foliage grows from large, creeping, below-the-ground rhizomes.
I’ve been a little quiet this last week because I’ve had to travel to the other side of the planet for what turned out to be a very interesting and scientifically lucrative workshop. After travelling 31 hours from Adelaide to Umeå in northern Sweden, I wondered to myself if it was going to be worth [...]
Twenty years ago at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, countries adopted Agenda 21 — a blueprint to rethink economic growth, advance social equity and ensure environmental protection. Marking that anniversary, this year sees Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, with aims to get bold agreements to address things like poverty, sustainable development, decent jobs, etc.This page provides coverage of recent events via Inter Press Service’s news feed.Read full article: Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development
Turkey’s Prime Minister has expressed his anti-abortion stance in surprisingly strong words for a politician, albeit an Islamic one, linking the procedure to murder and saying the resulting curb in population growth is ‘crippling’ for Turkey’s economy. Read more...